Sunday, 8 September 2013

38 Weeks Pregnant

38 weeks. That's how pregnant I am. I have 2 weeks until my estimated due date and even if I go overdue will have my baby in my arms at some point within the next 4 weeks. I'm trying not to focus too much on my actual due date, although I'm sure that once it gets here I won't be able to help wondering if that day, and every subsequent day, will be the day.
I had one of my most fed up days yesterday. It wasn't so much being fed up of being pregnant, I'm more than happy to wait until baby is ready to make their own appearance, but I just couldn't bring myself to do anything. I laid on the sofa in silence. I couldn't even be bothered to turn the TV on. I had loads I wanted to get done but just couldn't be arsed to do any of it, and yet I was dying of boredom. I knew if I just got up and got on I would have been happier, but, nope, I stayed put until Mr Riley rang to say he had finished work. I had a bit of a soppy cry in the afternoon, over nothing in particular, but if felt good to let it out. I don't think I've been too hormonal during pregnancy (although Mr Riley might have a different view on that!). I've had the odd day, but have mainly maintained my rationality.
My low day yesterday made me think about how important support is during pregnancy, and I don't just mean midwifery support, although mine has been excellent. No, I'm talking about the other kind of support... the hugs, the understanding, someone to ask stupid questions of, and just the people you feel comfortable to be around.
I've found mine in a variety of places, some I expected and some I didn't. Family has been the biggest one for me. My husband, my parents and my in-laws have all been brilliant. I have also been really lucky with work. I changed jobs at 30 weeks pregnant, and both teams that I have worked with throughout my pregnancy have been lovely. I can't imagine how difficult it could have been if they had been less supportive. I should also give a big shout out to my favourite Sheffield ladies... the Seven Hills Women's Institute girls. It really is an amazing group to be part of, from finding sensible answers to my stupid pregnancy questions from SHWI mums or mums-to-be, to just being able to spend time with the friends I've made over the last 3 years or so has been wonderful.
I joined the September 2013 Birth Club on BabyCentre. On the site you can sign up to your 'due date' month so you can chat to women who are about the same amount pregnant as you. I've never been much of an internet forum user, but actually it has been really useful. Don't get me wrong, some of the discussion threads have some, er, interesting views, but you can certainly pick out the useful advice amongst them. It has really proved to be a hugely supportive forum, despite its anonymity, and I think a lot of the women have found much needed strength through it.
Twitter has also been pretty fab, and a few September due date mums have found each other on there and will no doubt be keeping each other company during night feeds. In fact, just last night I was kept company whilst I couldn't sleep by some fellow uncomfortably-pregnant tweeters!
And cake. Baking turned my mood around yesterday. I made Raspberry and Apple Crumble Squares yesterday. They cheered me right up!
In fact... I'm going to have one with a cup of tea right now.

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